For the latest stable version, please use Emilua API 0.10!



Emilua is an execution engine. As a runtime for your Lua programs, it’ll orchestrate concurrent systems by providing proper primitives you can build upon.


Emilua is not a framework. You don’t design the structure of your software by extending a complex concurrency framework. On the contrary, you start simple and only makes use of primitives your application needs. Should you only have the need for simple serial programs, you’ll have access to plenty of IO abstractions that work across a broad range of platforms.



When your software grows and the need to increase the concurrency level a notch arises, just spawn fibers. The same IO abstractions that work on serial programs will work on concurrent programs as well. You don’t need to pay an extra huge cost by completely refactoring your program during this transition[1].



Emilua has first-class support for modern sandboxing technologies.

  • Linux.

    • Namespaces.

    • Seccomp.

    • Landlock.

  • FreeBSD.

    • Jails.

    • Capsicum.

Mitigate risks by creating disposable cheap sandboxes to parse untrusted input data.

Sandboxing support on Emilua is based around capabilities and elegantly integrates with the same machinery that is used to implement the actor model.

Compartmentalised application development is, of necessity, distributed application development, with software components running in different processes and communicating via message passing.

— Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX
Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Anderson, Ben Laurie, and Kris Kennaway

The only resource a sandbox starts with is inbox and its only method: receive(). In this initial state, a sandbox can’t even ask for new resources (i.e. it’s a push model). The Lua VM on the host system can then selectively choose which resources are safe to hand over (e.g. read-only access to a file and a pipe).

Container runtime

A generic C-powered & Lua-driven container runtime. Many container runtimes out there focus on specific containerization technologies such as Linux namespaces, but Emilua acts as a generic container runtime that supports different kernel technologies[2]:

  • Linux namespaces.

  • FreeBSD jails.

Many container runtimes (e.g. bubblewrap, nsjail) are CLI-driven and give little room for flexibility. The standard tool to automate CLI usage is BASH. However BASH cannot be used to restore flexibility here (it can only automate CLI arguments). BASH scripts are a poor match for the internal container setup phases, and that’s not usually supported. Even when BASH is supported for the setup phases (e.g. LXC pre-mount, and net-up scripts), that’s usually very restricted in scope given how inappropriate BASH is to drive the setup phases of a container. BASH scripts give you more worries to bring up a container, not less:

  • Poor synchronization primitives to drive the complex setup required to use new Linux namespaces. BASH only gives you pipes and files. Files can’t even be used in all steps of this setup (e.g. mount namespaces and pivot-root). Emilua will give you a rich pool of IPC primitives not available to BASH scripts (check the documentation).

  • You must be extra careful to not call any binaries from the container image as one must always assume these images are compromised (that’s the whole point of isolating software within a container to begin with), but BASH can’t do anything on its own and must always rely on external tools (it’s probably a good idea to rely on static binaries of busybox as well to not accidentally invoke compromised shared libraries from the container image). Emilua is safer as it gives you access to a subset of the POSIX API plus a few extensions (e.g. mkdir, mount) that calls the syscalls directly (i.e. no container binaries ever involved) within a Lua script to initialize the container namespaces.

The pragmatic solution is to never involve BASH in the setup of Linux namespaces. The CLI tool would do all actions declared in the initial arguments on your behalf, and only return you the final result. The downside is a big loss in flexibility. If your use case falls outside of the tool’s envisioned cases, you’re out of options.

Emilua is designed differently. Emilua offers you a fully-featured programming language and VM — that’s Lua — to script the setup phases inside the containerized process.

However any general-purpose programming language can escape from BASH’s shortcomings with respect to containerization challenges. Any container runtime meant to be used from source code — not a CLI tool — will be flexible enough to more use cases. The new challenge here is how to avoid leaking resources from the language’s own runtime to the container. That’s why it’s easy to create a container runtime using C, but not so much for Java or Python.

What Emilua gives to Lua is a container runtime that surpassed these challenges and is ready to roll. The API provides two contexts (program and container initialization), and you can coordinate both to initialize your container programmatically any way you want. The container initialization context was paranoiacally implemented to not inherit the parent process’s sensitive context (e.g. memory other than the executable itself, env vars), to abort on any C API error by default, and to securely erase the contents of temporary buffers (e.g. messages received through within the initialization script, and any memory allocated by the Lua VM). You won’t find any of these in other Lua projects.

A note on FreeBSD jails

FreeBSD jails work differently than Linux namespaces, and complex setups are not really needed. However Emilua can still offer a few goodies here such as attaching to an existing jail using a clean OS-level process to perform container-side administrative tasks not specified by binaries found on the container image.

Later — should you desire — you can still use BASH to orchestrate Emilua programs after the setup phases are fully encapsulated just inside Emilua programs. If you have no needs for customizing the container setup phases, then Emilua doesn’t bring any advantages over other tools — bubblewrap, nsjail, etc — and you’re already well served with the existing market solutions.

The same machinery used for containers is also used to create capsicum sandboxes. That’s a testament of the runtime’s flexibility. Capsicum pose API requirements that cannot be met if you can only think and design in terms of the seccomp model. Emilua is the only container runtime also able to drive full use of capsicum sandboxes.


  • Windows.

  • Linux.

  • FreeBSD.

Emilua is powered by the battle-tested and scar-accumulating Boost.Asio library to drive IO and it’ll make use of native APIs in a long list of supported platforms. However processor ISA compatibility will be limited by LuaJIT availability.

Network IO

  • TCP.

  • UDP.

  • TLS.

  • Address/service forward/reverse name resolution.

  • IPv6 support (and mostly transparent).

  • Cancellable operations transparently integrated into the fiber interruption API.

  • Several generic algorithms.


  • UNIX domain sockets (stream, datagram, and seqpacket).

  • SCM_RIGHTS fd-passing.

  • Pipes.

  • UNIX signals.

  • Ctty job control (and basic pty support).

Filesystem API

  • It easily abstracts path manipulation for different platforms (e.g. POSIX & Windows).

  • Transparently translates to UTF-8 while retaining the native representation for the underlying system under the hood.

  • Directory iterators (flat and recursive).

  • APIs to query attributes, manipulate permissions, and the like.

  • Lots of algorithms (e.g. symlink-resolving path canonization, subtrees copying, etc).

Misc features

  • Complete fiber API (sync primitives, interruption API, clean-up handlers, fiber local storage, assert-like scheduling constraints, …​).

  • Integrates with Lua builtins (i.e. you can mix up fibers and coroutines, modules, …​).

  • AWK-inspired scanner to parse textual streams easily.

  • Clocks & timers.

  • File IO (for proactors only[3], so the main thread never blocks).

  • Serial ports.

  • A basic regex module.

  • Native JSON module.

  • Portable error code comparison.

  • And much more.

1. Emilua doesn’t suffer from Bob Nystrom' two colors problem.
2. Future releases will also implement virtio-vsock to ease communication with containers managed by QEMU
3. Right now, Windows' IOCP, and Linux’s io_uring.