
local beast = require 'beast'

This module exposes bindings for the class websocket::stream found in the Boost.Beast library. You should see Boost.Beast’s documentation for an overview on how to use these bindings.

The concept of a dynamic buffer found in Boost.Beast is ignored here. Dynamic buffers as exposed in Boost.Beast (and Boost.Asio) are more prone to error than usual when exposed to programmers too used to GC interfaces. Here we only use Emilua’s byte_span type (inspired by Golang’s slices).

beast::websocket::stream::read() is also ignored here as it only works over dynamic buffers. However it’s so easy to reimplement it in pure Lua that nothing is really lost.

local websocket = require 'beast'.websocket
local tls = require 'tls'

local host = ''

local ws = .. ':https'))
ws:handshake(host, '/')

local text = nil
local buf =
    local nread = ws:read_some(buf)
    text = byte_span.append(text, buf:slice(1, nread))
until ws.is_message_done