
local websocket = require 'beast'.websocket
local tls = require 'tls'

local host = 'example.com'

local ws = websocket.new(tls.dial(host .. ':https'))
ws:handshake(host, '/')

local text = nil
local buf = byte_span.new(ws:read_size_hint())
    local nread = ws:read_some(buf)
    text = byte_span.append(text, buf:slice(1, nread))
until ws.is_message_done


new(socket: ip.tcp.socket|tls.socket) → websocket


Previous socket object is moved-from and becomes an invalid object.

get_option(self, opt: string) → value

Get an option from the socket.

Currently available options are:

"timeout: { handshake_timeout: number, idle_timeout: number, keep_alive_pings: boolean }"

Stream option to control the behavior of websocket timeouts.

"permessage_deflate: { client_enable: boolean, client_max_window_bits: integer, client_no_context_takeover: boolean, compLevel: integer, memLevel: integer, msg_size_threshold: integer, server_enable: boolean, server_max_window_bits: integer, server_no_context_takeover: boolean }"

permessage-deflate extension options.

set_option(self, opt: string, val)

Set an option on the socket.

Currently available options are:

"timeout: "client"|"server"|{ handshake_timeout: "none"|number|nil, idle_timeout: "none"|number|nil, keep_alive_pings: boolean|nil }"

Stream option to control the behavior of websocket timeouts.

"permessage_deflate: { client_enable: boolean|nil, client_max_window_bits: integer|nil, client_no_context_takeover: boolean|nil, compLevel: integer|nil, memLevel: integer|nil, msg_size_threshold: integer|nil, server_enable: boolean|nil, server_max_window_bits: integer|nil, server_no_context_takeover: boolean|nil }"

permessage-deflate extension options.


Perform the WebSocket handshake in the server role.


function close(self)                                              (1)
function close(self, reason_code: integer)                        (2)
function close(self, reason_string: string)                       (3)
function close(self, reason_code: integer, reason_string: string) (4)

Send a websocket close control frame.

handshake(self, host: string, target: string[, extra_headers: { [string]: string }])

Perform the WebSocket handshake in the client role.

You can send extra headers in the opening handshake through the extra_headers parameter. Optional headers such as "origin" aren’t added by default. A list of common headers that might be of interest follows:


Compare the "origin" to the "host" to block malicious scripts coming from web browsers.


Authentication token.


If present, this value indicates one or more comma-separated subprotocols the client wishes to speak, ordered by preference.

ping(self, payload: string)

Send a websocket ping control frame.

pong(self, payload: string)

Send a websocket pong control frame.

read_size_hint(self[, initial_size: integer]) → integer

Returns a suggested maximum buffer size for the next call to read.

read_some(self, buffer: byte_span) → integer

Read some message data.

write_some(self, fin: boolean, buffer: byte_span) → integer

Write some message data.

write(self, buffer: byte_span) → integer

Write a complete message.


auto_fragment: boolean

Automatic fragmentation. Read-write property.

binary: boolean

Binary message write option. Read-write property.

compress: boolean

Compress message write option. Read-write property.

got_binary: boolean

Whether the latest message data indicates binary.

got_text: boolean

Whether the latest message data indicates text.

is_message_done: boolean

Whether the last completed read finished the current message.

is_open: boolean

Whether the socket is open.

read_message_max: integer

The maximum incoming message size option. Read-write property.

reason_code: integer

The close reason code received from the remote peer.

reason_string: string

The close reason string received from the remote peer.

secure_prng: boolean

Whether the PRNG is cryptographically secure. Write-only property.

text: boolean

Text message write option. Read-write property.

write_buffer_bytes: integer

Write buffer size option. Read-write property.