For the latest stable version, please use Botan 1.1!


local secure_byte_span = require 'botan'.secure_byte_span

local buf =

The module secure_byte_span allows you to create a byte_span that uses Botan’s secure allocators.

A major concern with mixing modern multi-user OSes and cryptographic code is that at any time the code (including secret keys) could be swapped to disk, where it can later be read by an attacker, or left floating around in memory for later retrieval.

For this reason the library uses a std::vector with a custom allocator that will zero memory before deallocation, named via typedef as secure_vector. Because it is simply a STL vector with a custom allocator, it has an identical API to the std::vector you know and love.

Some operating systems offer the ability to lock memory into RAM, preventing swapping from occurring. Typically this operation is restricted to privileged users (root or admin), however some OSes including Linux and FreeBSD allow normal users to lock a small amount of memory. On these systems, allocations first attempt to allocate out of this small locked pool, and then if that fails will fall back to normal heap allocations.

secure_byte_span will use the same allocators from Botan’s secure_vector. This mitigation is also useful to protect cryptographic secrets if you have a buggy application that sends uninitialized data elsewhere (i.e. use-after-free). Consider the following code:

local my_message =
stream.write_all(my_socket, my_message)

The developer forgot to initialize my_message with the message he actually intended to send. allocates memory. If the allocated memory was previously used to hold cryptographic secrets, these secrets will be leaked. However if all the sensitive data had been allocated using secure_byte_span then no important leaks can happen as the sensitive data would be zeroed before returned to the allocator for later reuse in unrelated allocations.


new(length: integer[, capacity: integer]) → byte_span

Returns a new byte_span whose memory is allocated using Botan’s secure allocators.